Intro Text

It has been such a busy and exciting time in the Media, Music and Performing Arts sectors over the past few months that the staff and students have decided to take this opportunity to highlight the success and incredible achievements of our students.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Drew Tremlett Talks About Film and TV FMP's

"I'm really proud to see our increasingly positive students being put into media jobs"

We had a chat with Film and TV tutor Drew Tremlett about what their involvement is in the festival this evening and what is being shown by the students.

All work shown tonight is part of the students final major project which has been a huge seven month effort from the students, all the films will be shown this evening.

"We have films from all genres being show tonight with a comedy about a man who cut all his toes off with a spade, to a really gritty, post traumatic drama. So it's really nice to see the students bring it all together and celebrate their achievements this evening."

He also went on to mention that one of his previous students has made a massive achievement since attending the college, "David Cedric came to our college and in the interview he said "I like two things, films and football", so we decided for him that being a cameraman at Sky Sports would be best suited and now after attending CRC and Ravensbourne University, he is a camera operator for Sky Sports and is set to do Wimbledon and the Olympics!"

It looks like there are some huge opportunities on the horizon for the Film and TV students!

Words George Dimmock
Photo Simon Thomas

1 comment:

  1. Drew Tremlett was such a great lecturer who really pushed me in the right direction for my future. What a great guy.
