Intro Text

It has been such a busy and exciting time in the Media, Music and Performing Arts sectors over the past few months that the staff and students have decided to take this opportunity to highlight the success and incredible achievements of our students.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

CRC Live Lounge

On Friday 21st June, us, the events students at Cambridge Regional College organized a live radio set broadcast on 'Live' radio. The set was called CRC Live Lounge. The music played was blasted round through the College so many students could listen to the live and prerecorded music, as well as an interview with the acoustic musician. The event was a complete success and was enjoyed by many. The acoustic musician was called Lewis Eldrige, he played his own song called ‘Two.” He had a fantastic voice and really blew the audience away. We also had many pre-recorded tracks from artists such as Jimmy Ostler and Marley Hoare, which featured a dubstep genre of music, which was spot on with what much of our target audience wanted from the event. The radio students also excelled themselves and really did us proud by making our event the best it could be. A quick shout out to the two radio presenters, Bex and Tom, thank you so much for your hard work. As our event was such a success, we hope to produce another event like this in the future but on a bigger scale. If you came to our event, we hope you enjoyed it and make sure to come to other events held by the CRC events team.

Jessica Hall

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