Intro Text

It has been such a busy and exciting time in the Media, Music and Performing Arts sectors over the past few months that the staff and students have decided to take this opportunity to highlight the success and incredible achievements of our students.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Red Carpet Event for Hair & Beauty Students

Studying Events Management at Cambridge Regional College means that we have to organise events within the college. Recently Natalie Tombleson , who is in charge of Media Makeup, talked to us about planning a red carpet event in the college for the media makeup and hair & beauty students to celebrate their final project at the end of the year. As part of this event we were required to produce two 4-5 minute video of the students whilst they are creating their final piece, one was for hair & beauty and the other for media makeup. The videos will be shown at the red carpet event for the students and their family to see. This was a new and exciting project for us as the idea was appealing and we don’t usually get the opportunity to film our own videos.
I was in the hair & beauty team and my role was cinematographer. The filming took place over two days, as level 2 students were in on Wednesday and level 3 were in on Thursday. For hair & beauty there were 5 cinematographers overall, so we got lots of good quality footage!
After getting the footage of the students on both days, the editors put together the videos. This took some time as it was a lengthy and difficult process due to minor technical difficulties.
The red carpet event came around quickly and it was unsure whether or not the videos would be ready in time, but there was no need to panic because the editors finished their videos before the event took place so they were ready to be screened. The turnout was great! The atmosphere was busy and lively. Everyone in the room applauded when they finished and we received great feedback. The event was a success! It ran smoothly and everyone loved the videos! Videos are being screening around the college.

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